FDA cleared full body treatment that boosts microcirculation and provides pain relief associated with arthritis, sprains, strains.
Offer Your Patients
Relief from pain without medication
Arthritis is thought to affect 54 million Americans and is the leading cause of disability in adults with two thirds of these working aged. Pain from arthritis is often coupled with stiffness and swelling making many patients resort to pain relievers to help alleviate their discomfort. Many pain relief treatments do not provide full coverage between doses.
Non narcotic treatments are needed to help reduce the problems associated with the opiate crisis and to provide treatment alternates for breakthrough pain and to avoid medication all together.
Microcirculation boosts can help to reduce pain and improve mobility with the convenience of patients treating themselves in the comfort and convenience of their home. The therapy provides a promising option for pain relief and other conditions where benefits in microcirculation could make a difference.
Choose us?The Avacen 100 provides a noninvasive and safe infusion of heat into the circulatory system using the arteriovenous anastomosis (AVA’s) in the palm of the hand. The hand is placed inside a vacuum chamber about the size of a bread box where heat is applied for 10 to 30 minutes.
This action reduces the viscosity of the blood where it rapidly circulates to all body organs and muscle tissues. It also enhances oxygen delivery and improves nutrition and potentially improves enzyme function. Patients routinely experience reduction in pain and improved joint mobility and can even make some patients sleepy.
The device is FDA Class II cleared for pain relief for arthritis, sprains, strains and provides full body
treatment through a single treatment point – the hand.
Increase Revenue?
Provide a cash pay revenue stream
Patients can pay for in office treatment
Purchase of a device by patients means you can supply them as a Independent Business Partner
What To Expect:
Options to treat and/or sell the device to your patients
3 year warranty
Practice loyalty and word of mouth referrals
An innovative solution to offer patients suffering from pain without the need for medications
Patient Benefits:
Improved quality of life for many patients
Many conditions are improved with this therapy including pain, sleep and anxiety
Start-up and
ImplementationHow Do I Get Started?
- Review product information and videos
- Decide if your patients could benefit from thermotherapy
- Discuss options to select the best model and package for your practice needs with your PDM
- Receive the device and begin offering treatments
Cut and Paste
Buy one or multiple units
Sell treatments and/or devices
Offer as an added service
Financing available for the practice and patients
Minimal to no ongoing costs or consumables
Innovative Solution
Offer a non medication based efficacious treatment to your pain patients
Frequently Asked
QuestionsQ: What is this treatment?
This device is a patented and FDA-Cleared Class II medical device that uses cutting edge technology developed by AVACEN Medical. It incorporates heat therapy and negative pressure to increase local circulation and infuse heat into a unique vascular network, located in the palm of the hand. Raising the blood temperature at this “single point treatment” (the palm) increases blood temperature throughout the body naturally via the circulatory system. This can benefit the entire body.
Q: How is it used?
Simply place your hand into the device for a comfortable treatment session. Session duration can range from ten to thirty minutes depending on your needs. Easy to understand instructions are presented on the device Display Screen. If you use the preset defaults, only a single button press is required! The device works with the body’s natural adaptations. It’s easy to use and noninvasive.
Q: How does it work?
This is a noninvasive pain management technology platform for people at normal body temperature. This technology platform uses a microprocessor controlled chamber to surround the hand with a slight negative pressure, while adding heat to the palm. This negative pressure expands the volume of blood in the palm’s unique vascular networks while heat is simultaneously transferred from the computer managed palm pad into these expanded vascular networks.
Q: Will just applying heat to the hand work the same way?
No. The body has a thermoregulation system that protects it from too much external heat or cold. The key to this regulation process is the body’s ability to vasoconstrict (close) the heat exchange vascular networks; this happens when the hand is placed in very warm water. The patented methodology uses negative pressure to dilate (open) these networks in the palm so it can continue to infuse heat at a safely managed level.
Q: Is there a trial period?
Yes, a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee.
Q: Will my insurance or Medicare pay for this?
Unfortunately at this time, insurance or Medicare does not cover this medical device. Even though the device brings relief to the suffering of patients that have found no other remedy for their pain; in the eyes of the insurance companies, the device is currently considered experimental technology.
The necessary studies to qualify the device to be covered by insurance will cost millions of dollars and could take many years. Therefore, we have decided not to take the reimbursement path for the time being in order to make this technology available today at a reduced cost (such studies could add 75% to the eventual device cost).
If you have a Healthcare Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA), you may be able to purchase the device using that option.
Q: Are there any negative side effects?
This noninvasive treatment method, mitt and the relatively low heat transfer temperature minimizes potential safety problems. No serious negative side effects have been observed using the this Treatment Method in over 2 Million treatments.
Patient And Physician
Provide a pain treatment alternate to many of your patients that otherwise suffer on a daily basis.