These options can ensure that we have a dispensing solution to suit your office needs. If you are looking to add patient convenience, customized medicine or revenue enhancement we have a solution for you.

Medication Dispensing is a practice enhancement for your office and also an ability to generate additional revenue dependent on your practice needs and payer mix. At AMS, we seek solutions that provide benefits to physicians in terms of increasing revenues, reducing stress or maximizing time and efficiencies. Patients benefit from the convenience of additional services and enhanced care they receive from the many ancillary opportunities a practice can add.

Our Medication Dispensing opportunities include in office dispensing, compounded medications, research programs, mail order dispensing and a MSO model.


Central Rexall is a 4th generation owned compound pharmacy that has been in business for over 118 years and is widely known and a trusted brand in the pharmaceutical industry. We now have Compounding available from Central Rexall Drugs. Compounded medicines enable you the physician to tailor medicine for your patients from our fully licensed partner.

Central Rexall uses innovative technology and top quality ingredients to prepare compounded medications. Expert pharmacists work with physicians to prepare and customize medications specific to your patients needs.

Some of the specialized medications available are:

Bio Identical Hormone Replacement

Pain Management and Neuropathy

Wound and Scar Therapy

Sports and Anti inflammatory medicine

Metabolic Supplements

Oncology and Anti-nausea medications

Podiatry and Anti-fungal

Allergy and Sinus relief


All 50 states can be serviced with this solution. The pharmacy has full accreditation and is staffed with Compounding Pharmacists, Certified Pharmacy Technicians and Patient Care Specialists.

Due to the ability to truly tailor medicines, the possibilities are endless enabling you to work with the pharmacist to determine the exact formulation for your patient needs.

How Does It Work?

Your practice will be provided script pads that provide the leading formulations for maximum patient relief. A PDF file can also be sent prefilled with your information to save you time.

Training will be provided if required.

Patients are contacted within a short period of time of the pharmacy receiving the script.

All patients will have their insurance verified prior to dispensing. With physician permission, formulas will be changed to suit patient’s insurance.

Patient receives fast and free delivery with reduced co pay options.

A portal is provided to enable you to track all prescriptions that have been processed.

Additional marketing materials and studies can be provided to your office.

For physicians wanting to try the product a trial is available for you. This solution can work for a wide variety of practice specialties due to the varied formularies available.

Science is enabling an increase in the personalization of medicines with pharmacogenetics screening and provides patients with options in treatment and medication delivery. Compounded medicines offer not only the ability to provide a unique formulary but also the ability to deliver an alternate route of administration for their medication.

The MSO Model

This model enables physicians to invest in a pharmacy model and derive revenue from medication dispensing in an investment capacity. In order to qualify, physicians must pass the requirements of being an investor. The MSO model groups physicians from various parts of the country together. Physicians will send their commercial and injury prescriptions to the MSO pharmacy and receive a quarterly dividend based on their share of investment. The price of entry is minimal and requires partnering in a Series LLC.

Larger offices may qualify for their own in house pharmacy. A management service model can be provided in this instance with complete assistance in set up and ongoing operations.

In Office Dispensing

This is a way you can grow your practice by offering patient convenience and improving patient medication compliance. Various studies quote that as many as 20 to 30% of prescriptions written are never filled once a patient leaves the office. Providing an in house solution ensures your patients receive the medication they have been prescribed and improves treatment outcomes.

Often times patients will have significant wait times at the pharmacy for their medications and appreciate the ability to have their medication instantly dispensed at their physician’s office. Medication costs are often cheaper or competitive with local pharmacy pricing and also provide the office with some cash based revenue. For more information, go to  In-House Medication Dispensing

Research Programs

The program is once again turnkey and can generate additional revenue for any practice that signs up to be a study investigator. The revenue is to recompense the physician for their time involvement in the study. Allergy practices can use this program to help re-engage patients that have dropped out of subcutaneous programs. Pain practices and other specialties can benefit from adding pain topical to provide efficacious relief to patients suffering from chronic pain with reduced side effects.

We have several IRB approved research studies that can work for a variety of practice types. These studies are observational and rely on the patient to complete regular surveys to determine the acceptance and efficacy of transdermal creams for conditions such as allergy, pain and scars.

How Do I Get Started?

The first thing is to determine the best model to suit your practice needs. This will depend on whether you seek patient convenience, tailored medicine or practice revenue as well as your payer mix and patient volumes. Your consultant can work with you to review the options and provide you further information on the solutions that are of most interest.

Once you decide on a model the appropriate paperwork will be completed and training if required coordinated. Your consultant will work directly with your practice through transition to support your staff and be available to answer any questions you may have.

Review your client base for opportunity.

Select the best program(s) for your practice.

Complete the appropriate paperwork.

Your consultant will work with you to implement.

In Summary


AMS provides a wide assortment of solutions for any practice to enhance their revenue or add patient convenience. Our medication dispensing services give you a variety of choices to determine if you wish to further tailor medicine, add practice efficiency and/or add revenue. Whether you are looking to position your practice as a one stop clinic or in providing advanced medicine we have the solution for you. Contact us to find out more how medication dispensing can work for your practice.