Magnetic Resonance Imaging

MRI equipment means quick and accurate diagnosis with added revenue for mid-size practices.


Advances in MRI technology is making MRI units smaller, less-costly and easier to operate, making housing an MRI in practice a feasible and profitable option.

If your practice routinely orders 1o or more MRIs each moth then adding MRI equipment may be for you. This solution works well for Personal Injury or Workmans Compensation. Keeping patients in house has multiple benefits. This scan is typically more cost effective than outsourcing. This also ensures that patient does have their diagnostics performed and the physician gets the results right away for quicker treatment.

The practice can add substantial revenue with this solution, revenue that they would have otherwise missed out on.


Practice: Outsourcing image quality with a rapid ROI for the right practice with full turnkey solution from marketing to billing and compliance.  

Patient: Convenience of in office scanning for rapid diagnosis, monitoring and treatment in a non-claustrophobic environment.


The MRI equipment does not require expensive build outs with lead shielding, nor does it require helium, 3 devices are available that include 1 dedicated to extremities, 1 for extremities plus the spine, hips and shoulders and the final one offer musculoskeletal imaging either in a supine or weight bearing position.

The equipment requires a single 14" by 7" room and the electricity costs are similar to running a clothes dryer.


> Ensure your practice refers out a minimum of 12 MRIs per month.

> Retain patient in house to perform scan


Leverage advancing technology and your own patient referrals to provide a complete solution for patient diagnosis associated with injury.

Next Steps

> Let your PDM know this solution is of interest

> Speak with product vendor for product and benefits training

> Complete online practice registration

> Settle leasing/rental or finance option

> Install in 4-6 weeks