Lab services are an integral part of the physician tool kit. With as many as 50% or more of patients requiring blood work, lab services provide the tool to diagnose, prevent and treat disease. Results give the physician the ability to provide personalized medicine as well find baseline values, genetic markers and key metabolites.
Advancing technology is continuing to drive innovation in the field of testing panels available. Genetic encoding has resulted in rapid diagnosis of infectious diseases as well as aid in risk assessment for Cancers and inheritable conditions.
We constantly seek innovative panels to aid diagnosis and give doctors cutting edge tools they need to enhance patient care. Our suite of labs and services extends beyond toxicology and traditional blood panels but also to include pharmacogenetics, cancers. wellness panels and infectious disease. Some of the advanced panels offer include:
Medication Compliance Testing
Cancer Testing
Wellness Panels
Amino Acids
Advanced Urine Testing
Heavy Metals
Pathogen And Pathology:
PCR Testing
Toe Nail Fungus
Blood Testing
Medication Compliance Testing
This simple fingerstick blood test can definitively determine up to 213 medications and their metabolites. The blood test enables an efficient and conclusive way to determine medications that the patient is taking and match them to their medication list. Drug interactions are also determined from this test and provided in an easy to read report.
The frequency of medication misadventure places Medication Management as a high priority Quality Measure with MACRA and MIPS. For more information click here.
Benefits Of Testing
Quick and accurate assessment of patient medications
Detection of drug interactions
Reduce deaths and hospitalizations due to medication misadventure
Cancer Testing
Hereditary Cancer genetic testing looks for specific inherited changes to a person’s genetic makeup. These changes, referred to as mutations, can result in increasing a person’s risk of cancer. These mutations can also be inherited.
Gene sequencing advancements enable detection of a number of common genetic mutations that can be responsible for cancers. As an example, 12% of women in the general population will develop breast cancer at some point in their life. Recent estimates indicate that 55-65% of women with the BRCA1 gene mutation will develop breast cancer before the age of 70. Significant increases in ovarian cancer also occur with this mutation. Other cancers include colorectal, pancreatic, kidney and uterine.
Benefits Of Testing
Identify carriers of many common hereditary cancer gene mutations
Implement early and comprehensive screening in at risk patients
Blood or saliva collection for specimens
Usage of medications is increasing with the aging population and as new treatments are developed. Mental health is one area where drug drug and drug gene interactions can occur. Many drugs used to treat these conditions can take 4 to 12 weeks to indicate efficacy. Pharmacogenetics allows physicians the ability to determine the most effective medication from the outset, improving clinical outcomes.
Pharmacogenetic testing allows individualized treatment to empower physicians to make efficacious decisions as well as reducing risk for adverse reactions.
Pharmacogentics provides assessment of a patient’s response to certain active drug forms. As much as 37% of adverse events are attributed to medication. Accurate patient assessment for drug metabolism will help determine the right drug for the patient in the right dose, the first time. Pharmacogenetic testing assesses the Cytochrome P450 system which is an integral pathway for the metabolism of many drugs.
Benefits Of Testing
Customized drug therapy
Reduced incidence of adverse drug effects
Right drug, in the right dose the first time
Allergy testing has typically been done at an allergist office with a scratch test. The scratch test method involves irritating the patient skin with a wide range of allergens to determine which the patient has a sensitivity to. The fingerstick allergy test enables the physician to simply do a fingerstick blood test without the need for skin irritation or allergen exposure.
The allergy test is a 2 vial blood draw and is quick and simple to perform. The test provides a definitive report of the specific allergens the patient reacts to. The patient can then be treated in office with immunotherapy or referred to an allergy specialist. Many offices have performed skin testing but find the time and skills involved cumbersome.
Benefits Of Testing
Less irritation for the patient
Quick and simple to perform
Definitive determination of allergies
Available to Medicare patients
Wellness Panels
Comprehensive Metabolic Panels (CMP) provide a comprehensive analysis of a patient’s kidney and liver function beyond what is shown in a traditional Complete Blood Count (CBC). The panel will assess a range of proteins, minerals, electrolytes and enzymes to determine metabolic function. A full wellness panel is a good opportunity to screen new patients as they come to the practice and on an annual basis as a ongoing check.
Some testing, such as Autonomic Nervous System testing, may call for comprehensive panels to aid or support diagnosis. Routine screening with a CMP will help physicians with early detection of problems. Patients will typically need to fast for 8 to 12 hours prior to a CMP.
Benefits Of Testing
Useful tool in patient screening and health assessment
Insight to liver and kidney health
Useful diagnostic aid for diabetes and other chronic conditions
Amino Acids
Testing for amino acids provides a useful indicator for the bodies pain and inflammation response. The neurotransmitters that support the inflammatory response are all manufactured from amino acids. These amino acids are vital to the building of soft tissue, muscle and bone in the body’s repair and maintenance.
Pain modulators include serotonin, endorphin and gamma amino butyric acid (GABA). Without the specific amino acids needed to build these neurotransmitters, the pain relief response of the body is incomplete.
The specific amino acids tested for include glycine, glutamine, l-arginine, l-methionine, dl phenylalanine, histidine and taurine.
Benefits Of Testing
Better assess pain and inflammation, cardiac hormones and allergy
Aid in understanding patient nutrition
Provide specific nutritional advice for the patient to improve healing and wellbeing
Urine Testing
Drug testing helps physicians with objective information about drug misuse prior to prescribing scheduled medications. Testing also helps with confirmation of adherence to current drug treatment. Toxicology is typically a urine sample but oral sampling is also available. Saliva samples are able to determine ‘under the influence’ testing. Urine samples can be slower to be detected and can be adulterated.
Toxicology is typically performed on new patients and is recommended when there is a change in medication type or dosage or a decline in patient function. Pain patients may be tested several times a year or more dependent on history of abuse or their behavior.
Testing can be performed as a screen or a confirmation. Screens will determine presence of certain drugs above a minimum concentration. This testing is less sensitive and specific but can be performed onsite. Confirmation uses spectrometry to identify specific drugs providing a quantitative and accurate assessment. Confirmation results provide legally defendable results and are recommended for pain patients. If specificity is needed, confirmation is the best option.
Benefits Of Testing
Definitive testing for medications and illicit substances
Reduce litigation through heightened knowledge of patient drug use
Provide better patient care and drug monitoring
Point Of Care Cups
We provide an affordable solution for your Point of Care Cups. A multi panel drug test cup is available for as little as $3.00
Advanced Urine Screen
Bladder cancer has a much higher rate of survival if detected early. As early stage bladder cancer can be largely asymptomatic – screening is valuable. Residual urine from toxicology testing allows physicians to screen for potential cancers at this early stage. Pain patients are risk due to masking of symptoms and side effects of the medications. Patients that suffer with urinary retention or recurrent urinary tract infections are also at risk.
Any sample that has a trace of blood can be sent to the lab to be further tested. Cytology and FISH testing is performed on the sample, where relevant, to assess for any abnormalities. Reports are accurate and easy to read.
Benefits Of Testing
Screening of patients enables early detection of bladder cancer substances
Improve patient outcomes
No additional samples needed – residual urine can be used
Heavy Metals
Pollution and chemical usage is creating an increasing risk to health and development. Deposits of metals in the body can occur in the tissue and brain resulting in neurological problems, chronic pain and various other symptoms. Many conditions can be severe. Symptoms may mimic other unrelated health conditions and be difficult to diagnose. Often symptoms occur insidiously over a number of months.
Heavy metals are not metabolized by the body and can accumulate in the soft tissues. Sources can be food, air, water and skin absorption. Testing for 23 different metals include arsenic, lead, mercury, iron and aluminum. The test is done with a urine sample.
Benefits Of Testing
Identify hard to diagnose heavy metal toxicity
Periodic testing for at risk patients
Rapid return of results within 2-3 days
Pathogen And Pathology
PCR Testing – Gastrointestinal, Genito-Urinary, Respiratory, Wound Care
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing enables quick and accurate diagnosis of a wide range of infectious diseases without the wait time associated with cultures. PCR identifies specific genetic material from RNA or DNA sequences pertinent to pathogens. The genetic sequencing from a specimen is amplified and then compared to a known source.
Samples can be taken from blood, discharge, skin scrapings and more. PCR testing enables diagnosis of genetic or biological disease. Physicians are able to use this type of testing for diagnosis of respiratory, genito-urinary disease, gastrointestinal, skin infections and more. Sample collection is typically safe and non invasive.
Benefits Of Testing
Quick and accurate diagnosis – often within 24-48 hours
Unmatched speed of testing and accuracy of results
Comprehensive panels that diagnose bacterial, viral and parasitic infections
Variety of panels available
Toe Nail Fungus
Approximately 15% of the population suffers from toe nail conditions with around 80% of them suffering from onychomycosis. Patients are often embarrassed by this condition and most of them are left undiagnosed and untreated. Insurances are increasingly requesting definitive diagnosis before reimbursing for the often expensive treatments prescribed.
Epidermal Nerve Fiber Density
Benefits Of Testing
Accurate diagnosis of small nerve fiber neuropathy
Pathology services aid physicians in diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Molecular testing has further enabled labs to provide physicians with the definitive answers they seek in patient treatment. Traditional anatomical pathology still plays a vital role in patient diagnosis. Our labs provide a consultant pathologist, giving you access the ability to have questions answered.
Benefits Of Testing
Confirm diagnosis
May be mandatory for reimbursement or treatment
Access to consultant pathologists for further information