Reasons Why Your Patients and Practice Can Benefit From Protocall Two Way Patient Communication Texting

There are many reasons as to why having a two way patient communication texting solution to offer your patients will be beneficial.Patients and Practice

The percentage of U.S. adults that has and use a mobile phone on a daily basis is 91%. What’s more people keep their mobile numbers, while email addresses change, people move, and landlines are gradually going away. The mobile phone is the device they carry with them wherever they go, so it gives you the ability to reach your patients or members wherever they may be, with whatever information they may need, at the exact time they need it

The Protocall platform will enhance work flow by reducing the number of incoming and outgoing phone calls to patients. Time savings can be significant since sending a text takes 20 seconds, versus a phone call that takes 3 or more minutes! Usually, your staff are checking the console only two or three times a day to respond to incoming messages and initiate effective communication with patients.

Landlines are becoming a thing of the past. 39 percent of American households are wireless only, meaning that they no longer have access to landlines in the home. As more patients adopt exclusive cell phone use, they’re more likely to be accepting of text communications on these devices as well. Unlimited text plans are becoming more common, meaning your patients will not incur additional charges for this communication.

The older American generations are starting to see the value of digital communication from a healthcare professional via text message is as helpful, if not more helpful then in-person or phone conversations. ProtocallIt seems that the Baby Boomers and seniors have joined the younger demographics in realizing the convenience and flexibility that digital technology adds to the provider-patient communication.

Text volume is running circles around voice calls. From the modern-day patient’s perspective, it’s often much more convenient to text with another person than to place a phone call. Text volume is nearly five times that of voice calls. Text volume outpaces the actual number of voice minutes used every month, which is an average of 644 minutes. The average American sends and receives more text messages per month compared to phone calls. The numbers are roughly 764 text messages to 164 phone calls per month.

Every mobile phone receives text messages. Not every mobile phone receives email messages. The percentage of adult Americans that are smartphone owners is 56% which is a low percentage considering. The percentage of adults between the ages 25-34 own a smartphone is 81%, and 18% of adults 65 and older own a smartphone.

So if your office staff is spending more time on the phone calling patients confirming appointments that they may not show up, then your practice can benefit from this great solution. Here at AMS we will partner with you in the best in class ancillary services that will help your bottom line. All you need to do is contact us to set up an appointment with your local Certified Ancillary Consultant and they will walk you through our Ancillary Check-Up.