unnamedWell over 3 million Americans are incontinent, of which 85% of them are women.  Between the ages 30-59, one in four women have experienced an episode of urinary incontinence.  50% or more of elderly persons living at home or in long-term care facilities are incontinent.  Approximately 80% of those affected by urinary incontinence can be cured or have their condition improved.

These are just a few of the many reasons why Urodynamic testing and UroCuff testing are important and appropriate for health care today.  Our ancillary solution has been well received by patient-centric physicians and office managers across the board.  Many clinics like it because it is an ancillary solution that comes to them; our staff and equipment come to you on a pre-determined day to run tests and make a diagnosis on your patients.  Our staff has over 17 years of experience and have performed over 120,000 tests.

On the pre-scheduled day, two highly trained testing specialists, with their equipment, visit your office to perform testing on pre-qualified and pre-scheduled patients.  After testing is performed, the results are interpreted by a Board Certified Urologist and reports are available within 48 hours.  Tests include Uroflowmetry, Post-void residual measurement, Pressure flow studies, Electromyography, Video Urodynamic testing, and the male-focused UroCuff testing.

Our solution has no start-up costs and is considered a medical necessity by nearly all forms of insurance, including Medicare/Medicaid.  On average, clinics see a $500 profit per patient for Urodynamic Testing, this does not include the revenue generated by repeat visits for consultation and treatments.  Our Urodynamics testing can be performed on up to 16 patients in a day, for a total profit of approximately $8000.  We can schedule at least one testing day per month, meaning your clinic could see an ancillary service produce $96,000 in revenue without any extra work for you or your staff.

Our UroCuff test is unique and we are one of the few companies to offer this test.  Male-focused, this test works in much the same way a blood-pressure cuff does and, when used in combination with pressure flow studies and electromyography, is an essential tool for diagnosing incontinence in male patients.  The diagnostic period, testing period, consultation, and treatment period are important for this test.  It helps generate revenue for your clinic through repeat visits and, if warranted, a more in depth testing phase with a more complete set of urodynamic tests.

unnamed (1)I have focused a lot on the financial incentives that Urodynamic and UroCuff testing provides for you and your clinic but I have also touched upon the population statistics that show why these tests are so important.  I know that, for most of you, it isn’t all about the financial rewards but, with the diminishing rates of return on many services you have been providing for years, it is good to know that ancillary services like Urodynamics and UroCuff testing can improve your bottom line with little to no added work on your part!

Please get in touch with your local CAC/representative or give us a direct call at 1-888-315-1519 to see how we can help you with this or any other ancillary service.