inhouselab 4Setting up and running your own lab is difficult.  You have to research your equipment options, weigh operating costs/start-up costs with revenue, analyze the tests you are ordering and compare them to how reimbursement is given from insurance, make sure you have all your accreditations, validate your tests, and possibly hire more staff.  Then there are financing questions as well as long-term profitability questions.  Reimbursement changes every year and questions arise every year as to how insurance is going to look at reimbursement for testing, medical necessity, and legal hurdles around running your own lab.

The first reason why you should consider AMS as your answer for an ancillary service like having your own lab is our expertise and experience.  Did you know that one of our main experts, Jason LaBonte, is the key speaker for the upcoming New York State Pain Society Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions (June 5-7, 2015)?  That is just one of many accolades our specialists have received.  Our expertise in all facets of clinical lab put us above the competition and our knowledge helps us to understand your specific needs and situation and we can answer whether a lab is right for you.  We constantly review any upcoming changes in the health care laws and reimbursement schedules.   All of this combines to help us bring the best equipment, best financing options, best options together to give you the best lab ancillary solution possible.

The second reason you need AMS’s In-House Labs Solution is because of our goal to form long lasting partnerships that strive to support our clients and help them have the best ancillary solutions possible.  We back our support up by having the best solutions possible, and our In-House Lab solution is no different.  We will ask you to allow us to see how you are doing your testing now.  We will take that information and analyze it to see how, in your specific case, we can help you and how you can maximize your patients’ care as well as your return of investment should you make the decision to have an in-house lab.  If we look at the numbers and see that it makes more sense for you to have a piece of equipment and do your own testing, we will tell you; but, also, if we see the numbers make more sense for you to refer a test or all of your tests out because it does not make financial sense for you to have an expensive piece of equipment that is not paying for itself or bringing money into your clinic, we will tell you.  We want your business but we also want your trust and partnership.

inhouselab 4aThe third reason you should meet with us to discuss how we can help you with an in-house lab is because of our understanding of your situation:  that you are constantly having to battle with running your clinic as a business while putting your patients first.  This drives us to make sure the advice and guidance we give you is the absolute best that we can give after taking in your specific requirements and needs.  We are here to help you and your business succeed and be profitable.  Reimbursement for many services you provide are being cut or reduced.  We work to make sure you aren’t put into a situation where a bad decision can lead to financial devastation.  Instead, we use our knowledge, are goal to form a partnership with you, and your situation in order to guide you to what works best for you.


Please feel free to get in touch with us directly at 1-888-315-1519 or contact your local CAC.