BHRTBio Identical Hormone Replacement Pellet Therapy (BHRT) is a profitable way to extend your patient offer. Not only does it afford patients convenience and extended practice loyalty, but the revenues can also be significant.


Ancillary Medical Solutions now provides a top line offer for physicians to incorporate Bio Identical Hormone Replacement Pellet Therapy into their offices and retain the majority share of the profit.


Bio Identical Hormone Replacement Pellet Therapy encompass many facets of patient care and lifestyle improvement. It provides patients a better quality of life without the treatment being a compliance issue


The Bio Identical Hormone Replacement Pellets are designed and manufactured by Hormone Therapy Centers of America (HTCA) located in Plano, Texas. HTCA provides an alternative to hormones that are synthetic, like injectable testosterone, or concentrated from horse urine (Premarin). Bio Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy is usually prepared by compounding pharmacists and can be given in dosages tailored to their individual needs; instead of the narrow choices available with mass-produced hormone therapies (one size fits all).


The interest in a more natural approach to hormone therapy has focused attention on bio-identical hormones — hormones that are identical in molecular structure to the hormones men and women make in their bodies. They are not found in this form in nature but are derived and made from plant compounds extracted from yams and soy. Bio-identical hormone therapy is often called “natural hormone therapy” because bio-identical hormones act just like the hormones produced by your body.


Many specialties can benefit from the provision of Bio Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy including OB-GYNs, Internal Medicine, General Practice, and Family Practitioners.


BHRT1This therapy will allow the health care provider (“HCP” – always a MD or DO, sometimes a NP or PA, depending on the state) to perform a minimally invasive outpatient procedure in which a small incision is made on the upper level of the buttocks and a number of bio-identical hormone replacement pellets are inserted. The procedure takes 3-10 minutes depending on the number of pellets inserted, and the gender of the patient (women require fewer pellets and the procedure is much easier for them). The incision is closed with just a piece of small tape, no sutures needed.


The HCP makes money in a unique, cash based situation. The company AMS works with sets up the doctor with FREE pellets and equipment on the front end. The HCP spends no out of pocket money on inventory or supplies. Then, when procedures are performed, the HCP then makes a payment. This very HCP friendly model takes the stress out of worrying about inventory going bad or laying out a large amount of money up front. No insurance is needed nor accessed in this model.

Based on three simple fees:

$300-$400 for Female Insertions of Estradiol/Testosterone

$600-$700 for Male Insertions up to 2000 mg of Testosterone

$700-$800 for Male Insertions over 2000 mg of Testosterone

(Bill rate is determined by what your marketplace will allow.)

Example Revenue:

100 patients/month x $425 (average male/female) at 50/50 split

= net $21,250/month or $255,000/year

            (That’s only 5 pellet patients a day in a 20 day work month!  What is even better, is the procedure takes a total of 5-10 minutes to perform.)

Physicians have struggled to see an increase in financial returns over the last 3 to 4 years. Increasing your ancillary offer is a good way to do this. With the many services available, there is no reason why you couldn’t double your practice profits over the next year or two with the implementation of compatible services.


This turnkey solution that Ancillary Medical Solutions offers, not only will return many financial rewards for your practice but keep your patients in office and healthier, affording quality of life.


For more information on this and other Ancillary Medical Solutions, contact us and we will have one of our Certified Ancillary Consultants contact you.