food 2Food allergy is becoming increasingly popular as more holistic medicine is becoming more mainstream. Having the ability to identify and eliminate food allergens in the diet has the ability to affect individual health and well being significantly.

Regular food consumption typically results in tolerance where no physical symptoms result from ingesting food. In contrast, those that have developed intolerance or hypersensitivities, can experience a wide variety of physical symptoms.

Ancillary Medical Solutions now offers a physician practice Food Allergy testing that any office can add to their current model. Food allergy testing can be done quickly and simply through a finger prick test placing blood spots on a card. The card is allowed to dry then sent off to the lab. The patient is routinely asked to return 2 weeks later to discuss the outcomes of their testing. The test includes 95 different allergens. The patient will see how sensitive they are in a range of foods from all things dairy, to nuts, meats and more. The report comes back to the office with a rotating diet plan to guide the patient to reduce exposure to potential allergens.

Patients that have intolerances or sensitivities can report dramatic changes to many varied physical symptoms. Once patients have been removed from offending foods, a repeat test can be performed 3 months later and often offending foods can be gradually reintroduced to the diet.

Patients are often amazed at how much better they feel. Symptoms such as joint and muscle pain, psoriasis, eczema, headaches, and fatigue are all commonly experienced as a result of food allergies. The impact on skin conditions, particularly, has helped dermatologists identify and successfully eradicate many rashes.

The testing uses the IgG ELISA method as opposed to a cell based method. This method allows for greater reproducibility and accuracy of results. Often food reactions can occur hours or days after ingestion.

Food allergy 2Offering food allergy testing is a good way to introduce a cash based model for income generation. Often when people are plagued by nonspecific conditions, they are willing to spend money on finding out why. Particularly where other testing has failed to show anything. This type of testing is also very focused at the wellness market. Those that are proactively involved in their health are often willing to find out as much as possible as to how to care for themselves better.

Patients typically pay $225 to $250 for an allergy test to be performed. The physician will profit on the sale of the kit as well as the return visit for follow up. Practices suited to food allergy services are family and internal medicine, weight loss, allergy, dermatology and chiropractors (depending on your state).

The turnkey solution that Ancillary Medical Solutions offers, not only will return many financial rewards for your practice but keep your patients healthier, affording quality of life.

For more information on this and other Ancillary Medical Solutions, contact us and we will have one of our Certified Ancillary Consultants contact you.