Worker’s Comp and Personal Injury providers derive a significant portion of their revenue from the ancillary services that accompany patient treatment. It is estimated that 20.2% of work comp revenue goes to ancillary services.
Here are 4 programs that every WC/PIP provider must be offering their patients
4 – DME
Offering Durable Medical Equipment allows doctors to work with therapeutic pieces in-house, ensuring a custom fit for every patient and improving outcomes.
Turnkey DME programs make it easy to implement and offers full technical, billing, and compliance support around the clock. Inventory is shipped out to you quickly, and you choose what and when you order, giving your practice total control over the DME dispensing process.
Practice Benefits
Practice keeps 80% of the revenue, average profit $500-$1k/patient.
3 – CMAP
Many patients suffer from a variety of neuromuscular conditions and injuries. CMAP can aid accurate assessment and determine the nature of a patient injury or etiology by performing an electrodiagnostic evaluation of the muscle while it is in motion.
The diagnosis is performed using surface EMG which avoids the need for using conventional and painful EMG testing. CMAP testing provides an in-office testing solution where the equipment and tech are sent to the office to test several prescheduled patients.
Practice Benefits
$1,100 – $1,500/patient, no cost to practice
2 – Out-of-Office Dispensing
Physicians are increasingly seeking opportunities to own their own pharmacy. This turnkey program helps work comp/PIP clinics own their own pharmacy that is managed by a pharmacy management company.
This allows physicians to receive all of the financial benefits of owning their own pharmacy without the day-to-day headaches.
Practice Benefits
Average Profit = $200-400/Rx
1 – Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field Therapy (PEMF)
This device Uses pEMF to stimulate Nitric Oxide production, providing a non-narcotic based pain relief with revascularization and natural healing.
Work Comp and PIP providers may participate in a Management Services Agreement (MSA), creating a new profit center for the practice.
Practice Benefits
Average profit = $700/Rx, no cost to practice
For more information about any ancillary programs, call 888-315-1519, or visit