How services like Bio
When significant health concerns arose for those patients using synthetic hormone replacement therapy, millions stopped taking them. Patients and physicians alike began to search for alternatives. Countless women and men have now made the switch to Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT).
Bio-Identical hormones are specifically compounded to identically match what your patient’s bodies once produced. No horse urine, no fillers. Just pure and simple. Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy is not a one size fits all. When done properly, BHRT is easy, safe effective.
When your patients hormone levels are not at their optimum, their quality of life suffers. At AMS we seek to dispel the myths about bio identical hormone replacement therapy, and provide information and education to our clients. We have seen the transformations that hormone replacement therapy can bring to both men and women. There can be customized programs of therapy for each individual. Essentially, you can create hormonal harmony for your patients, and in return your patients will become loyal.
BHRT starts with hormone testing, which is done safely and quickly, without any pain or discomfort. Reviewing the results will tell you what hormones are lacking or off balance. The advanced testing allows you to hone in on your patients specific condition and needs, to then formulate the ideal therapeutic plan for them. Bioidentical hormones are all-natural, and produced in a lab to be identical in their molecular structure to your patients own natural hormones in their body. Unlike synthetic hormones, which have negative aspects, these hormones are derived from things like soy, yams, and certain plants.
Your patient’s cells depend on hormones to function properly. Restoring the proper level of the right hormones that they need will repairs the cells, and help them to perform optimally, and eliminate symptoms.
In order to keep our bodies in top-notch form we need to produce hormones. But, as we get older the way our bodies produce hormones changes and slows down allowing for aging and unwanted consequences. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is a modern therapy designed to negate unwanted consequences of hormonal imbalance.
Once we enter our late twenties our bodies start to slow down certain production of hormones. When this occurs our entire hormonal system becomes unbalanced. For our hormones to affect our body correctly they must be in balance. Frequently a deficiency in the production of one or more hormones creates instability throughout our entire hormonal system
Women who are going through or have completed menopause is a good example of the effects and changes in the hormonal system. Their production of estrogen and progesterone decreases as they enter and complete menopause. Frequently, discomfort such as insomnia, hot flashes, fatigue and mood swings are related to the side effects of the reduced levels of production of these two hormones.
However, hormonal issues related to aging affect both males and females. After years of research, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy has become the best way to supplement the human hormone system and recover your patient’s body’s natural balance for a healthier and better life.
Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy is individualized for each patient. This is why it is very important for them to seek treatment from an experienced physician that will customize the right treatment for them.