Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is exactly what it sounds like. It is using hormones that are identical to the hormones naturally made by your body. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) has transformed the healthcare of men and women as they enter the second half of their lives. It provides an alternative to hormones that are synthetic, like injectable testosterone, or concentrated from horse urine (Premarin). Patients taking BHRT usually prepared by compounding pharmacists can be given in dosages tailored to their individual needs; instead of the narrow choices available with mass-produced hormone therapies (one size fits all).
The first reason why you should consider AMS as your answer for an ancillary service like having BHRT is helping your female patients that are experience Menopause. Many women don’t even realize their bodies make and need testosterone to function properly. The amount of testosterone women have is small compared to men but testosterone has over 3,000 functions in the female body. Testosterone production in women begins to decrease during their early 30’s and continues into menopause when hormone estrogen and testosterone production stops. A woman at age 40 has half of the total testosterone of a 21-year old. Symptoms of low testosterone include sadness, depression, anxiety and irritability, insomnia, decreased sex drive and difficulty staying in shape. These symptoms can occur before menopause and before a woman’s periods actually stop. Don’t worry! This is probably not early menopause but can be caused by low testosterone levels.
The answer is Bio Identical Hormone Therapy (BHRT) using the best and most effective method of delivery… The Testosterone Pellet.
Testosterone, delivered by pellet implants has been used in pre-menopausal females with great success. Pellets can be used while taking birth control pills and will not affect your menstrual cycle. Testosterone delivered by pellet implants, has been used to treat migraine and menstrual headaches. It also helps treat and prevent vaginal dryness, urinary incontinence, urgency and frequency. Testosterone has also been shown to increase energy, relieve depression, increase sense of well-being, relieve anxiety and improve memory and concentration. Testosterone, delivered by pellet implant, increases lean body mass (muscle strength and bone density) and decreases unwanted body fat. Women require adequate levels of testosterone for optimal mental and physical health and for prevention from chronic illnesses like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, which also may be associated with low testosterone levels. Even patients who have failed other types of hormone therapy have a very high success rate using pellets. There is no other ‘method of hormone delivery’ as convenient as pellets for female patients when compared to creams, gels, patches or injections.
The second reason you need AMS’s BHRT solution is for your male patients that are experience Andropause. Andropause or male menopause is a condition that all men experience to some degree as they age. Andropause, like menopause, involves a decrease in hormone levels. Men, however, do not always experience a specific set of symptoms that women experience around menopause, such as hot flashes, etc. Between the ages of 40 and 55 most men will experience a profound drop in both the total testosterone levels, as well as the percentage of testosterone that is readily available to the cells to do work, known as bio available or “free testosterone”. Andropause is caused by low testosterone levels as well as “decreased testosterone function”. This happens when testosterone receptor cells of the body malfunction and no longer “listen” to the testosterone signal.
Physical and Mental symptoms may occur with low testosterone levels.
The third reason you should meet with us to discuss how we can help you with the BHRT solution is because of our understanding of your situation: that you are constantly having to battle with running your clinic as a business while putting your patients first. This drives us to make sure the advice and guidance we give you is the absolute best that we can give after taking in your specific requirements and needs. We are here to help you and your business succeed and be profitable. Reimbursement for many services you provide are being cut or reduced. We work to make sure you aren’t put into a situation where a bad decision can lead to financial devastation. Instead, we use our knowledge, are goal to form a partnership with you, and your situation in order to guide you to what works best for you.
Please feel free to get in touch with us directly at 1-888-315-1519 or contact your local CAC.