allergy4Allergy continues to be an ongoing concern for patients through the summer months. Your office is in a position to offer patients relief – permanently. Typically the dropout rate of office based immunotherapy is around 86% and seldom do patients seek the relief they were looking for as few complete treatment. Being able to offer patients home based immunotherapy is more effective than the office based approach. Ancillary Medical Solutions actively works to find the best in class partners for ancillary medical solutions. We are proud to offer your office home based immunotherapy.


Patients enjoy the convenience of home based immunotherapy.

Once a patient is tested in office for a large range of allergies, antigens are mixed and the patient or a carer is educated how to self administer at home. The first few injections are given in the safety of the office setting. Once the technician is confident of the patient technique then the patient is allowed to begin self administration of injections at home. Patients return for in office injections each time the dose is increased for patient safety. Patients enjoy the autonomy and convenience of being able to self administer their antigens, empowering them to complete the program with a 85% retention rate.


Typically patients can experience relief in as soon as three to four months, eliminating the reliance on oral antihistamines, which for severe allergy sufferers, provide only short term relief.


The practice receives significant additional income.

A national average profit is around $1500 per patient. For an office that can find just 10 patients per month means an additional $15 000 per month in profits equating to an additional$180 000 profit per year.


The office is provided a technician, all the antigens and supplies needed to run the program. All the office need supply is a room and a fridge to store the antigens. The technician supplied is fully trained to assist with office billing and all in office processes.


allergy 4Allergy Partners is your best partner in allergy.

Our Ancillary partner provides the best in house support in implementing allergy as a solution. Revenues from this partner are typically greater than other providers of home immunotherapy with a level of contract flexibility. Our vendor spends a significant sum of money in getting a practice up and running and has a vested interest in creating a successful practice. Be assured that you will be given everything you need to begin offering allergy to your patients.


Home based immunotherapy is the best patient solution for treatment of allergies. If you are interested in providing this solution in office, you can click on one of the links below and we will have one of our Certified Ancillary Consultants contact you to set up a webinar with our solution vendor. Once you decide to go ahead with the solution your office can be up and running in as little as 4 weeks. With several months still of hay fever about, your office is well placed to implement this solution before winter starts.