Urodynamics 4Everywhere I look, I see new practices specific to geriatric care opening or new care facilities being built that are aimed at our aging population.  In a previous blog update, I mentioned some numbers on the aging population and the increase, as well as projected increase, in female patients experiencing some form of incontinence.  I also mentioned the benefits of Urodynamic Testing as well as how UroCuff Testing benefits the male population.

As an ancillary service that you can provide your patients, Urodynamic and UroCuff Testing are some of the easiest for your practice to institute and require little to no extra work from you or your staff.  You are bringing revenue back into your practice that you would otherwise be referring out to a specialist and, while the testing does not fully replace a Urologist or other specialist, the testing coupled with our analysis and suggested treatment guideline, will provide the knowledge for you to make a decision if a referral is needed.  Our company works with your staff and patients to help you identify whether a test is medically necessary and we work with insurance companies to make sure a patient is covered and that you will be reimbursed for every test

The testing, coupled with our experience and knowledge, will provide you with key information and every test is read and interpreted by a board certified Urologist.  The treatment suggestions that are provided are based upon years of experience and, when coupled with the initial consultation and testing day, will provide revenue from return visits made for treatment in your clinic.  Often hard to quantify, as far as how much revenue repeat visits will bring to your clinic, a patient will need to have their test results discussed with them and, through the information and treatment guidelines suggested, you can choose whether you treat them or if it is in the realm of your clinic to take care of a specific patient.

Providing a solution to test the lower urinary system of your patients is key to providing care and diagnosing problems with incontinence.  The tests are able to determine whether the pathology causing the problems is neural, muscular, structural, or some combination thereof.    The tests have been determined to be medically necessary and there are usually no issues with reimbursement from private or commercial insurances or Medicare/Medicaid.

Urodynamics 4aOur tests used for Urodynamic Testing have been established and used for quite some time.  We utilize state-of-the-art equipment.  We are the only company to provide anything like our UroCuff Testing and while Urodynamic Testing is applicable to both males and females, our UroCuff testing is aimed at the male population (for obvious reasons).

So, the three reasons why you need our Urodynamics and UroCuff Testing ancillary service: 1.) No extra work on your part and brings revenue back into your clinic, 2.) Testing provides detailed results with treatment guidelines, generates repeat patient visits and revenue, and 3.) Our tests are medically necessary, have high reimbursement rates, and our solutions are aimed at both females and males.

If you have any questions or have any interest in our complete Urodynamic/UroCuff Testing ancillary solution, please get in touch with us or one of our CACs today.